Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome Collect!

Day 10 Feb. 5, 2011:

One of my favorite days in London, and my last day sadly, was the Welcome Collect Museum dedicated to Henry Collect and his random collections of things. It had three parts that I went to at least. The exhibits were High Society, Medicine Man about Henry and his collections, and New Medicine which was very cool. High Society was about all different kinds of drugs and their history, how and why they were used, where they came from, and many examples of different ones through videos, pictures, and other things. It was very very interesting. One of the things I really enjoyed learning about and trying was called the ‘Dream Machine’ where you would close your eyes for a few minutes and after a while you were supposed to have the feeling like you were hallucinating. I didn’t sit there long enough to see if it really worked or not but it tied in with our studies because one of the only reasons it works it because you are suggested that you will feel ‘high’ or like you are hallucinating. If you believe and think you will be, then more than likely you will. It is a pretty simple concept and we use it every day without even realizing it sometimes.

In the Medicine Man exhibit there were different items that Henry collected including vases, chairs, phallic objects and statues, a few pieces of skin with tattoos on them still, Napoleon’s tooth brush, old paintings, drawings, writings, other different statues or gods or deities from different parts of the country or world, tools, and many more things. Off to my favorite exhibit though! I really enjoyed being in the New Medicine Exhibit. It talked about the human genome and genetic makeup, how societies have changed food intake and body size, and other random things for evolution and prescription drugs. It amazes me how someone went through the whole human DNA sequence and found out every little ribosome. I was looking through one book and just thinking that they found this, but everyone is still completely different. It’s pretty humbling! There were two interactive things we could do also in this exhibit, which who doesn’t want to do! One was comparing your face to other people’s faces that had gone through the exhibit before. It would show you the average face and warp yours, usually turning out to make you into a gargoyle or something and then adding your face to a conglomeration of faces creating one that resembled a man and a woman to say the least. The other was creating your own bio-identity symbol, which I have a picture of below. It takes your age, height in cm, finger print, and eye color (which was so hard to actually get I feel with the camera they had) and they put all those things together to create a symbol, no ones being a like! One of the other things I did was draw a picture for the wall; it was just coloring random things so nothing worth taking a picture of lol. If anyone ever goes to London this is a must see museum! I had never even heard of it before but I really enjoyed learning about all the things I did and could’ve spent much more time there. Plus they have a kick-ass book store; I need to invest in a nook or something because there are too many interesting books in the world. :)

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